
Weekly Giving

Sunday, 04 July 2021

Financial Implications of the Current Crisis

Corona Virus Crisis

Financial Update and Message from our Treasurer


I hope everyone is managing to stay safe and well during this unprecedented time of uncertainty.


As you all know we cannot meet for regular worship at the moment and we do not know when worship will resume in our Church on a Sunday. For those who have online access it is lovely that they can join Rev Jamie for his online message. It isn’t the same as being able to greet each other at the Church gates on a Sunday.


One unforeseen problem has arisen as a result of the ban on Sunday worship. The Church’s income has dropped dramatically as we can no longer uplift our regular weekly offerings. Our only source of income at the moment is the revenue from Banker’s Orders. The average monthly income from these is approximately £1900 which falls short of the amount required to meet our financial commitments of over £6000. Could I ask anyone who is interested in joining the Banker’s Order scheme to check the details below. Details can also be found on the Church’s website. This can also be done if you have online banking facilities.


The Church’s bank details are:

    Bank of Scotland – Irvine Branch

    Sorting Code 80.08.42

    Account number 00325194

    Account name: DSPC

    Ref: Your Name


If you do not have online banking facilities we have provided a link to download a standing order.

To download the standing order form click here

If you are a taxpayer we have provided a Gift Aid form, claimed by charities to reclaim tax for the current tax year.

 To download the Gift Aid form click here


We also recognize that some who currently give through Banker’s Order may be on furlough and have a drop in household income.  Should you be in this situation it is understandable that you may wish to reduce your giving for the period.  This can also be done by amending your existing Banker’s Order. 


If anyone requires assistance please contact me (Ann Fulton, phone no. 01294 222698) and I will be delighted to help.


May God keep us all safe and well until we are able to join in fellowship once more.


Ann Fulton
